pamela fox's blog posts
Here are the posts I've written on my personal blog. You can also filter by these tags: khanacademy, eatdifferent, musicvideo, developerexperience, phonegap, gwt, github, django, php, bootstrap, apidesign, bicep, motherhood, diy, anxiety, flask, backbone, social, girldevelopit, gmaps, css, language, workflow, pytest, apis, performance, zepto, teaching, socialanxiety, rag, buddhism, devcontainer, appengine, coursera, gears, python, accessibility, google, vscode, javascript, jquery, azure, fastapi, openai.
- Theming Tumblr with Twitter Bootstrap
- Using the Instagram API from a Python Flask App
- Converting Addresses to Timezones in Python
- Working around Android Webkit
- Porting jQuery Plugins to Zepto: Tips & Tricks
- Using FancyBox with Zepto
- Picking a Mobile App Strategy (Slides & Links)
- Datepicker for Twitter Bootstrap & Zepto/jQuery
- Theming Twitter Bootstrap (Without Less)
- Website Monitoring Services
- Testing Facebook Login with Selenium
- Reusing HTML/CSS/JS across Web & Mobile
- Using 3-Legged OAuth APIs with Flask
- Upgrading from jQuery Templates to jsRender
- Porting from jQuery to Zepto
- Logging JS Errors on iOS with PhoneGap
- Code Quality Tools
- PhoneGap Loading Performance in iOS
- JS & CSS Compiling, Compression & Cache-Busting
- Modularizing My JavaScript
- Grammatical Personalization in JS
- User Stats Visualization with HighCharts
- Client-Side Error Logging
- Pre-Deploy Git Check
- Sending Errors to Email in App Engine
- Switching from jQuery Mobile to Twitter Bootstrap
- Spriting with Compass